Silent Strike in Burma: Silence is golden, Speech is sliver.


We own our city,
We want peace,
We want to move.

Peoples' voice from the Silent-Strike

Today is International Human Rights day. To describe the human rights abuses in Burma; The Silent Strike is being staged with the participation of the people to commemorate all the martyrs who fought for the revolution. It highlights the people's desire for democracy and the loss of human rights and demonstrates to the world the people's hatred of the military dictator. Being silent not only to show their sorrow for the people who were killed by the Military but also their desire unitedly that don't accept the Military totally, also the regime. All the shops closed. People don't go out. No traffic, no delivery, nothing on the streets in the whole of Burma. Everybody has been participating in the Silent Strike for a day and is fighting peacefully against the military dictatorship and regime. Everywhere was found to be silent.


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